Support CDRS’ House of Blessings

Children Belong With Their Mothers

Seek blessings by supporting the House of Blessings this Ramadan and provide shelter and a nurturing home for women and their children.

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Children are Our Future

In today’s global world, building human capital with a shrinking workforce, competent and educated Human Resources are an urgent need, especially in Pakistan. The more children a society can get off the streets, the better off that society becomes.

The vision of House of Blessings is to provide a sustainable, nourishing, and wholesome environment for widows and orphans to become empowered and productive citizens. The mission is to uplift orphans and their mothers by providing a safe environment, education, and individualized empowerment counseling. House of blessings keeps family units together. 

Opening in Aug 2019 in Islamabad, House of Blessings is a 20-bed facility for only the most needy families with no other source of income are viable to live here as there is an immense need and a long waiting listAt present we have 16 children, which will become 20 as soon as the Coronavirus emergency is over and we aim to bring in 4-5 families, depending on the number of children in each family.

Now we want to expand with more homes in Rawalpindi (Punjab), Lahore (Punjab), Muzaffarabad (AJK), Peshawar KPK), Quetta (Balouchistan), and Karachi (Sindh). You can support our Islamabad House of Blessings, or help us create more House of Blessings projects around Pakistan!

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Help Change Lives This Ramadan!


Supports a Child’s
School Supplies



 Supports a Child
for a Year

Including, shelter, food, clothings
supplies and oversight
counseling/assistance provided by our
two resident care givers



Double your

In the months of Ramadan,
double your rewards by
covering the costs
of two orphans for a year.


Humaira’s Story

Humaira, her siblings were left fatherless when her father died in a car accident.  Widows often lose rights of inheritance to their husband’s assets, and extreme poverty leaves them without any family support as well. Humaira’s mother was left doing menial jobs that often made her choose shelter over food and clothing for her children.

Welcomed into the House of Blessings in Aug 2019, the children were delighted to be enrolled in a regular school, house of blessings has a small van to bring them to and from school. In addition one of our staff, of two, is a certified teacher who tutors them to bring them up to speed and after hours. The other has a masters in psychology and administers the project and provides mental and health counseling.

With your support during this blessed month, we can support this vital project and provide even more shelter and support for vulnerable widows and orphans.

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