While we do our good works let us not forget that the real solution lies in a world in which charity will have become unnecessary.
A major crisis facing Pakistan is the unavailability of water in many areas across the country. CDRS has more than 400 projects, from hand pumps, to deeper wells with electric or solar-powered pumps, to water storage tanks, gravity flow systems, rainwater collection devices, filtration systems,
Learn MoreCDRS provides a home to widows & orphans, where clean andsafe abode, food and dignified living is where the story starts! We help our residentscope with trauma, fill gaps in their education, mainstream them in reputableeducational institutes and help them develop means of livelihood.
Learn MoreCDRS supports Animal Welfare organizations and rescue teamsin Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar. In addition to continuing to dothat, we are planning to build an animal sanctuary and a world-class medical facilityfor cats, dogs, horses and donkeys, in the upcoming –
Learn MoreCDRS is grateful to APPNA, Give To The World, UK Medical Aid to Pakistan, Qadam, and so many members of the extended CDRS Family, particularly the Pakistani American Community, for enabling The CDRS team and CDRS YOUTH Chapters to provide food to over 100,000 deserving people
Learn MoreIf any of the causes that we serve are close to your heart, or if you are one of our supporters or partners who've done great things for our mission by hosting events to raise funds and awareness of CDRS projects, or volunteering for CDRS in the field or from home, we welcome your energy and your spirit towards a new way of helping CDRS causes. You can now create your own fundraiser page from our top NGO website letting your family, friends, and associates know about everything you've done to support CDRS and why our mission means so much to you. Click the "Launch Your Personal Fundraising Page" button below, create your own page, and then share with everyone in your circle!
Launch your Personal Fundraising PageAt CDRS, we are honored to be recognized and appreciated by our celebrity ambassadors for our efforts in the service of humanity in times of need. Their endorsements invigorate us and contributes to our success by taking our message far and wide.